Nadir is the Founder and President of Run4YourMind - a non-profit organization devoted to increasing physical fitness, specifically running, to improve the health of local youth.

Nadir's idea for the foundation stemmed from his research into the effects of exercise on neurodegenerative disease models. He has observed that early and continued exercise will prevent the progression of neurodegenerative diseases past early stages. He hopes that the results of his research will serve as motivation to get the children active and boost not only their neurological, but overall health.

He also hopes to spread this to older generations through his transgenerational findings. He has found that parental exercise has been a contributing factor towards the health of their children and is currently studying this further.

He has distributed flyers to achieve his goal and is currently working on expanding throughout the nation and internationally to expand the influence of exercise which serves as one of the most easily accessible treatments to most diseases.

"Helping others carries its own rewards, the first of which is a return to humanity." 

- Richard Paul Evans

Nadir has also worked as the Book Project Lead and Chief Creative Officer of the Puzzler Foundation. The foundation works to promote STEM education in the Detroit Area and globally. The book project aims to send library books to educate underserved students in these areas. 

Nadir coordinates the collection and donation of books. He is in charge of marketing and graphic design where he works on the social media page to promote the foundation. He designed the logo above.

The foundation has also carried out a project that taught children in an Indian orphanage about robotics and walked them through the building and programming processes necessary to develop robots.